Lastnight, I got a text, from someone I considered as a friend, as a someone who used to have a big impact in my life. A long messages whic...

    When I met you, I was getting over someone. Someone who was great at first and whom I had given my heart to and he had stomped all over ...

      Thank you for being one of the greatest things that came into my life. Thank you for teaching me so much about myself. Thank you for ...

Am I a horrible person? I was happy with our relationship before because I knew you liked me more than I liked you. I had the power. I ...

In my mind, I dream of unknown places and future lovers. See, I dream a lot. Part of me is stuck in an alternate reality, in a fairytale boo...

”What would be enough?” “How do you mean?” “Since no one can have it all, what would be enough for you?” he ask me. “For me?... I would wa...

Today I have learnt not to love. Because to love, is to get hurt and one's heart can only take so much. Time and time again I put myself...

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