Thank you for being one of the greatest things that came into my life. Thank you for teaching me so much about myself. Thank you for ...

      Thank you for being one of the greatest things that came into my life. Thank you for teaching me so much about myself. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. I can never hate you because I know that everything you did was out of love, but I hate that it had to end - that you never listened to me, that you didn't see that you were the one thing in my life that made me happy. And I hope that you are happy. I wish I could be there to see it all happen, that I was the one that helped you. But for now this is goodbye as I can't be the one who can makes you happy when I did everything I can.

They say if you love something, let it go… if it comes back to you, then its yours to keep forever. Well, this is me letting you go, now the rest? Well that’s up to you to decide and when you finally sorts out everything  please come back, but just know, I won’t wait for you forever. I hope you accomplish every goal you set for yourself, I hope you figure out everything you were unsure about, and when you are done you know where to find me.

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